【Forbes】Here’s How To Enjoy Cheat Meals Without Ruining Your Diet

selective focus photography of tape measure 英語ニュース多読


Here’s How To Enjoy Cheat Meals Without Ruining Your Diet
An ex-marine and personal trainer gives the lowdown on the do's and don'ts of cheat eating.

トレーニングはしてないけど、平日1食ゆで卵のみなので週1で食べ放題ルールにしてます。でも40過ぎて食べられる量が減ってきてショックw インスタントラーメンなんて1食3個くらいいけてたのになぁw


意味 〈人が〉〈欲望· 興味など〉を満足させる

While it’s actually beneficial to indulge your cravings every once in a (stop beating up yourself about it!), it’s important to not let your cravings control you.


hold back A

意味 A〈感情· 涙など〉を抑える, こらえる.

Don’t use it as an excuse to overindulge. “A cheat meal is exactly that—a single meal or a snack. Don’t let your cheat meal roll over into the next day or the weekend,” says Dale. If you find it difficult to hold back, start by limiting your intake of foods that are the easiest to overeat (eg: chips, cookies, candy, etc.). Additionally, make sure you stay hydrated, avoid skipping meals and don’t schedule your cheat meal for a Friday night or the weekend.




意味 〈感情· 行動などが〉(抑えきれないほど) 激しい, 極度の, 熱烈な; 懸命の, 集中した

Exercise first. You can make the effects of your cheat meal less impactful by eating shortly after exercise. This is because an intense workout will allow your body to burn at least some of those excess calories, thus keeping them from turning into body fat.



意味 [~ to A]A〈規則· 法律など〉を固守する; A〈考えなど〉を支持する

Keep eating healthy. “It’s all too easy to let a cheat meal become a cheat day. Instead, break the cycle by ensuring that your next meal adheres to your current diet plan,” says Dale. Think of your cheat meal as ‘one and done.’ The sooner you get back to your regular diet, the faster you’ll get back on track toward your fitness goals.

