【Well+Good】Can’t Smell Your Favorite Perfume Anymore? ‘Olfactory Adaptation’ Is to Blame



Can't Smell Your Favorite Perfume Anymore? 'Olfactory Adaptation' Is to Blame
If you've found yourself wondering, "why can't I smell my perfume?" experts say something called "olfactory adaptation" ...



意味 (非難して)〈人が〉 好みがうるさい; 気難しい.

Your newly discovered nose blindness is likely due to a finicky process known as olfactory adaptation.



意味 [[名]の前で][医] 嗅覚の.

Your nose and brain are connected through a complex system of olfactory receptors and chemical reactions, which explains why scent has the power to trigger memories and other psychological and physiological reactions. But, “there are still studies going on to fully understand that connection,” says Linda Song, a leading perfumer at Givaudan.




意味 [~+[副]]〈音· におい· 煙などが〉ふわりと漂う, 飛ぶ .

In other words, if a scent is constantly wafting in the background—whether it’s a personal fragrance on your body or something in the room around you—your brain will essentially become so accustomed to it that it won’t register anymore.




意味 [U]悪化 (する).

Additionally, just as we’re all accustomed to the idea of worsening vision and hearing as we get older, our senses of smell are also susceptible to age-related changes. “You have optimal scent sensitivity in your teens and twenties,” says Dalton. “There are changes that occur after that, but you don’t really start to see a drop off until you get to post-50. You can’t change that [since] it’s a biological process.”



意味 [通例[名]の前で]長引く, 長期にわたる 〈症状など〉

Additionally, certain lifestyle choices like smoking can decrease your sensitivity to odors (yet another reason to kick the habit) and prolonged diseases, such as chronic sinusitis, can potentially impact your sense of smell. Both Song and Dalton explain that although there is suspicion that living in heavily polluted areas might cause olfactory issues, there is currently a lack of research on how this might happen or how to correct it.



意味 機敏な, 鋭い.

Both Song and Dalton reveal that people in professions that require an astute nose, like a chef or perfumer, are capable of retaining their senses of smell well into their 70s and 80s.


stave off A

意味 (一定期間)A〈人· 物· 事〉を阻止する, 防ぐ, かわす .

Even if you don’t aspire to have a scent-adjacent career, though, Song recommends becoming more active in the way you interact with scent to stave off olfactory adaptation and decline. “Scent is the most primitive form of our senses, and you’re always able to perceive smell, even if you don’t necessarily want to,” she says. “But if you’re actively thinking about it, then you’re creating a connection between what you’re smelling and then remembering it for next time.”
