【the Guardian】I am so lonely and so isolated, I feel I’m living likea zombie



I am so lonely and so isolated, I feel I’m living like a zombie | Ask Philippa
It sounds as though something from your past has triggered your brooding – and that you have forgotten how to make thing...



意味 異様に; [文修飾]奇妙にも.

I’m a 70-year-old guy who, for a long time, has been single and living alone. I took early retirement and volunteered full-time for a charity for several years before walking out in disgust in 2019. I’ve never had that many close friends and in the past five years I have been bizarrely abandoned/rejected by just about all the “friends” I thought I had, including school friends, plus my only brother.




意味 <病気· けがで> 倒れる, 死ぬ <to>

I’ve tried evening classes, speed dating, etc, in the past and they have made no difference. I’ve never recovered from my grammar school forcing me to give up languages – which I loved and was top in – and do science A-levels. Scraping a third-class degree in chemistry was just the start of living all my life as a lost soul. I feel I’ve wasted my life. I see no way out and fear succumbing to dementia, like my father, followed by a grisly end.


発音は「 /səkʌ́m/ 」


意味 (比喩的に) <困難な状況· 問題などに> 陥る, 行き詰まる, とらわれる (down) <in, over, with>

The courage we need to fail is the exact same courage that will help us succeed. And what you need to succeed at right now is to find something that makes your life meaningful today. It sounds so simple to tell you to do the thing you need to for a fulfilling life – work out what you are feeling; from that, figure out what it is that you want; and from there, go for it – but we can bog ourselves down, stopping ourselves with the “what-ifs” that fuel that fear of failure.



意味  <…との> 口げんか, 意見の食い違い <with>

You mention dementia. Now it is possible there have been some changes in your brain that led to all these fallings-out. I am not a medical doctor, but maybe you could get tested as a way of maybe making sense of what has happened. If that is the story, and I really hope it isn’t, there will be resources for you so that you are not so alone with it, for example, ageuk.org.uk.




意味 [U] (一般に) 会話, 問答

We don’t have control over all the circumstances of our lives, but what we do have some power over is our relationship with our own self and how we look after our bodies, and over our internal dialogue and how we behave towards others. However difficult relationships are, we all need them and so we need to learn how to cope with the differences we all have from each other.


